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Rotten Ralph's Rotten Christmas
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Rotten Ralph's Rotten Christmas
Jack Gantos
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Written by Jack Gantos
Illustrated by Nicole Rubel
Houghton Mifflin Company Boston
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To Kaelin
To my family
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Gantos, Jack.
Rotten Ralph's rotten Christmas.
Summary: Rotten Ralph, the cat, is not at all nice to
the Christmas visitor.
[1. Cats—Fiction. 2. Behavior—Fiction. 3. Christmas
—Fiction] I. Rubel, Nicole, ill. II. Title.
PZ7.G15334Rok 1984 [E] 84-664
ISBN 0-395-35380-7
Text copyright © 1984 by John B. Gantos, Jr.
Illustrations copyright © 1984 by Leslie Nicole Rubel
All rights reserved. For information about permission
to reproduce selections from this book, write to
Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 215 Park Avenue
South, New York, New York 10003.
Manufactured in China
RNF ISBN 0-395-35380-7
PAP ISBN 0-395-45685-1
LEO 20 19 18 17 16 15
Rotten Ralph is Sarah's cat.
Rotten Ralph loved to be rotten. When Sarah knitted Ralph a sweater, he unraveled all her work.
"You shouldn't be so rotten," said Sarah.
When Sarah practiced her Christmas carols, Rotten Ralph walked across the piano keys.
"Sometimes you're very difficult to love, Ralph," said Sarah.
Ralph just stuck out his tongue and went to bed.
The next morning when Rotten Ralph woke up, a very sweet cat was sitting on Sarah's lap.
"This is Percy," said Sarah. "He's our new friend and I want you to make him feel at home."
Rotten Ralph tried to be nice. He showed Percy how to throw snowballs.
"Good cats don't throw snowballs," said Sarah. "Now come inside and help Percy and me put up the Christmas decorations."
When Percy hung up his Christmas stocking, Rotten Ralph cut a hole in it.
"You better behave yourself," said Sarah. "Bad cats don't get Christmas presents."
When Percy put together the train set, Rotten Ralph tied him across the tracks.
"You're not being very helpful," said Sarah.
When Percy went to hang the star on the Christmas tree Rotten Ralph pulled the ladder from under his feet.
"You are a bad cat," Sarah said to Ralph. "You should be more like Percy."
"I'm not a goody-goody," Ralph said to himself.
He ate the milk and cookies Percy had left out for Santa Claus.
Percy was upset.
"That's not a very nice thing to do," said Sarah.
That night Sarah decided to read Percy and Ralph a Christmas story.
But when Rotten Ralph went to sit on Sarah's lap, Percy was already there.
Instead of listening to the story, Ralph banged on his toy drum. "Stop that," said Sarah.
"I've had enough of this," Rotten Ralph said. "Percy's getting everything."
He sneaked under the Christmas tree and put "Ralph" on all of Percy's gifts.
Later, when Rotten Ralph went to bed, he found that Percy had already taken his place.
"Sarah loves him more than she loves me," Ralph said to himself.
On Christmas morning Rotten Ralph ripped open all the presents. But he didn't like any of them. There was a big floppy bow, a cute, pink teddy bear, and a pair of fuzzy slippers.
"These gifts belong to Percy," said Sarah.
Just then there was a knock at the door.
Sarah smiled. "This must be Percy's owner coming to take him home," she said.
"I thought he was going to stay forever," Rotten Ralph said to himself.
After Percy left there were no more presents left under the tree.
Rotten Ralph felt rotten.
Then Sarah said, "Now it's time for us to exchange gifts."
She gave Ralph a new red bicycle. Rotten Ralph gave Sarah a picture of himself.
Then he jumped onto Sarah's lap. "You weren't jealous of that other cat, were you?" she asked.
"Not me," Ralph said to himself. "Nobody can take my place."
Jack Gantos, Rotten Ralph's Rotten Christmas
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